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Best exam results with Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE

TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE for best exam results


Our former students all agree: Taking part in the TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE home tuition program is a unique and valuable experience. See what they have to say about our program on the following three sites:

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Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by John Loftus
Best Language Homestay Ever
What is your experience?: Tip-Top

I had a great two weeks living with Alexandra and Joachim in their beautiful house in Bamberg. It was a lovely place to stay, we had a lot of laughs together, and they made me feel like an honoured guest at every moment. The food was great, and nothing was too much trouble for them; Joachim even sawed some branches off the cherry tree so I could have some cherries on my birthday! I had private lessons every day from Alexandra and her friend Carola, both of whom are excellent and very experienced language teachers; we spoke German all the time we were together, we did activities in German, and they introduced me to their German friends and to some of the students and teachers at the Treffpunkt language school in Bamberg, so I had a busy social life and plenty of opportunities to practise my German outside of the lessons. Two weeks is not a long time in the context of learning a language, but even after the first week, I was feeling much more confident about my German and more at ease when talking in a group. I still have along way to go, but the immersive experience definitely helped me to make significant progress. On top of this, Bamberg is a wonderfully picturesque and historical city with plenty of nice cafés, restaurants, pubs and beer gardens to enjoy, all within easy reach. I had absolutely nothing to complain about, and I would highly recommend the experience to anyone who is serious about learning German and wants to enjoy themselves while doing so!

 by Mila El Katcha
uma semana maravilhosa e intensiva de muito aprendizagem em Bamberg
What is your experience?: Recomendo fortemente o “Home Tuition”

Acabo de voltar de uma semana maravilhosa e intensiva de muito aprendizagem em Bamberg. Alexandra preparou cuidadosamente um programa para que eu pudesse aprender, praticar esportes e me divertir ao mesmo tempo. Além das aulas diárias fizemos várias caminhadas, passeios de bike, tour na cidade, teatro, restaurante e cervejaria, de modo que o conhecimento fosse adquirido da forma mais natural possível. Em uma semana meu alemão progrediu o que eu levaria meses para aprender. Um programa completamente adaptado aos desejos/necessidades do aluno. Me senti muito bem acolhida por ela e seu marido Joachim. Os dois tem uma energia espetacular! Ótimas companhias, muito ativos e procurando sempre novas atividades para mim. Recomendo fortemente o “Home Tuition” para quem quer a experiencia da imersão, mas não tem muito tempo.

 by Pavel Savenko
Лучшая возможность выучить немецкий за короткое время.

Лучшая возможность выучить немецкий за короткое время.

Эффект погружения тотальный: совместный завтрак, очень качественно структурированные занятия, программа второй половины дня, ужин – все это в постоянной разговорной и грамматической практике. По факту вы занимаетесь немецким с утра и до позднего вечера.

Огромное спасибо Александре и Иохиму за позитивную энергию, самоотдачу и чувство юмора. Очень приятная и профессиональная пара. Мы всегда находили интересные темы и часто забалтывались допоздна. Приятный бонус -погружение в культурно-бытовую традицию, что дало мне уникальный опыт понимания немецко-говорящего социума.

Ездил три раза по неделе, обязательно поеду еще. Рекомендую всем, особенно тем у кого нет времени и возможности уделять внимание немецкому системно. На мой взгляд лучшая инвестиция денег и времени в изучение языка.

Еще раз огромное спасибо за настоящее немецкое качество.

 by Chris Back
First-class in every way

I spent 2 weeks last August (I'm just a slow reviewer) on the home tuition program: one week of German & Mountain Biking and one week of German & Beer. It was everything I'd hoped for and more. Living-in was absolutely the best way to improve my speaking, and I was made to feel completely at home. Morning lessons were so well matched to my ability and interests, that the time sped by far too fast. Afternoon activities were great fun, as well as providing good opportunities to speak and think in German in everyday situations.

By the end of the two weeks, I had gained a lot of confidence in talking, and even the train cancellations on my way home seemed more like a chance to use my improved skills rather than an inconvenience.

For me, the whole experience was not just a first-class language course, but a brilliant holiday spent with super people.

Thoroughly recommended.

Contact me!
With best wishes from Bamberg/Bavaria Alexandra von Rohr


Alexandra von Rohr
Schellenberger Straße 20
D-96049 Bamberg

Phone: +49 951 20 44 04
Mobile: +49 179 518 4635
E-Mail: a.vonrohr@treffpunkt-online.com
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